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Basic Manners Coaching Program

Are you too busy for a group class? Are you looking for one-on-one attention? Do you want faster results?

This program is perfect for an older puppy, a recent rescue or an adolescent dog who is suddenly distracted by the environment, has a hard time listening or seems to have forgotten everything they know!


Starting a routine and a structured training plan will set you and your dog up for long term success.

Dogerati Dog Training Basic Manners Coaching Program

The Packages below are designed to help new adolescent or adult dog parents navigate the joys and challenges of life with their furry family member.  There are options for those who have had dogs before and just need a little refresher (good dog), for people who never lived with a dog before (wonder dog) and everyone in between.


If you aren't sure which package is best for you we can discuss all the details in our initial 60 minute virtual consultation


Our initial consultation will cover immediate concerns or questions you have about your dog. We will discuss your dog's learning history, his environment and how his breed group may effect your goals and expectations. In addition, we will establish training goals and begin to outline simple training plans and actionable steps to begin right away.


Request a Consultation to get started. Consultations cost $150, are 60 minutes over Zoom and are required for all new clients.


Not quite ready to schedule a consultation? That's ok!  Fill out the Form below to get more information.


Dogerati Dog Training Good Dog Package

Are you looking for your dog to have a solid foundation? Worried that they doesn’t seem to have any manners? Then this is the package for you! Let’s give you & your dog a great start that you can build upon later.


4 x 60 minute virtual or in person sessions - topics include:


  • Management plan to alleviate any behavior concerns

  • Enrichment plan to help meet your dog's mental, social, physical and instinctual needs

  • Basic manners foundation skills and training at home

  • Ongoing digital support throughout package

  • Digital support for 30 days after package is complete

Dogerati Dog Training Great Dog Package

Are you looking for a little more focus & impulse control from your dog? Do they pull you all over the neighborhood when you go for walks? Then this is the package for you! Let’s ensure that you’re not embarrassed by they're behavior when you’re out & about.


6 x 60 minute virtual or in person sessions - all the perks of the good package, plus:


  • Add distractions to training plans

  • Prepare your dog for outings

  • Basic manners training outside the home

  • Introduction to Cooperative care for happy vet and grooming

  • Ongoing digital support throughout package

  • Digital support for 30 days after package is complete

Coaching Investment: Initial Consult + $500

Coaching Investment: Initial Consult + $700 ($50 Savings)

Dogerati Dog Training Wonder Dog Package

Are you scared to take your dog off-leash for fear of them running away? Would you like to be able to leave food on the table and have it still be there when you return? Then this is the package for you! Let’s give you and your dog the freedom you both desire.


8 x 60 minute virtual or in person sessions

All the perks of the good and great packages, plus:


  • Add distraction, distance and/or duration to training plans

  • Basic manners training in outdoor settings

  • Focus on any potential problem behaviors

  • Ongoing digital support throughout package

  • Digital support for 30 days after package is complete

Coaching Investment: Initial Consult + $900 ($100 Savings)

How to Work With Us

Virtual Training Available


A 60 minute virtual consultation is required for all new clients

What you can expect during a behavior or initial consultation:


  • Discuss the behavior intake form (filled out by you at least 48 hours before your consultation)

  • Evaluate the details of your dogs behavior history and wellness

  • Establish training goals and expectations

  • Discuss the factors that are contributing to behavior concerns

  • Immediate actionable steps you can take to improve behavior

  • A recording of the session

  • Notes with links to resources

  • Discuss our coaching packages for longer term support

Let's Get Started!

Tell us about your dog and the service you are looking for.

What Serivce are you Interested In?

Thank You! We will be in touch within 24 hours.

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